Improve Your Shop

Automotive Shop Safety Tips

Safety first

Every day that you open your shop doors, you strive to provide a safe work environment for your employees. To reduce the risk of accidents and improve the productivity of your shop, you need to establish a culture of safety. It isn’t enough to say you’re committed to shop safety; you need to act upon your words.

The first step to creating a safe work environment is to get everyone in the shop to buy into the concept of shop safety. From the shop manager to the technicians, everyone plays a role in establishing a safe work environment. Having all employees cognizant of the importance of shop safety and dedicated to doing their part to maintain a safe shop is a great start. Check out the following tips that you can implement to keep your workers safe on the job.



A safe shop doesn’t just happen; it takes training to ensure that technicians practice safe habits in the workplace. All employees should be trained in the safe use of all equipment and know what to do in an emergency situation. Make safety training a part of your shop culture by holding periodic lunch-and-learn sessions.


Promote the use of safety equipment

Actively encourage techs to wear the appropriate personal protective equipment for every repair job they do. Safety glasses, gloves and respirators should be standard in your shop. Consider posting a sign reminding workers to wear safety glasses and to use other safety equipment.
